Saturday we left at 4am and drove the most boring drive to San Francisco, it started to get interesting after getting out of Nevada. Then we finally found parking by our hotel, which doesn't have free parking. Took a 15 minute nap and headed to Fisherman's Wharf. We walked around and found a place to eat and just kinda took things in. Very nice anniversary dinner, beautiful sunset and you can see above, and just a nice walk together. Then back to the hotel.
Sunday we got up, checked out, and booked it to Alcatraz, we almost missed the boat, and we parked in the most expensive parking in San Francisco. Alcatraz we so cool, the audio tour was totally worth it, we even might have come home with a piece of the "Rock".
Then after Alcatraz we walked around Pier 39, where we found the infamous sea lions, probably James' favorite part of the trip. If you check my facebook album you will see one of them scratching their nose (it was pretty cool).
Following that we decided to check out China Town, that was pretty sweet, and way cheaper to eat there. Way cheaper. And we got to see big fish, and bought chopsticks to let the missionaries use every time they eat over.
Then we headed towards Palo Alto/Stanford area. We visited with one of my old school friends from Atlanta, Carrie. She and her husband are gonna have a baby in about 10 weeks or so, she is so stinkin cute. It was kinda crazy to have a sleep over with boys. The only sleepovers we ever had was with girls, then all the sudden we were sleeping over with boys, but each of us had a boy in our bed, and it was legal! It took me a second to be ok with that, it was kinda like I forgot what year I was living in cuz we didn't miss a beat when we got together. Any way that was lots of fun, Carrie gave us a nice walk/tour of Stanford and Chris' hockey team won that night 1-0.
Then Monday morning we left around 8am and got home about 11:30pm, 1 ticket in Nevada and killed 2 rabbits in Utah. I never, we never, ever want to drive that drive through Nevada again, in fact we have a family reunion to go to in WA and we were thinking about detouring to the Redwood Forest, well the fastest way would be through that ugly northern NV so you can forget that.
And on another note, I got another calling today, not gonna lie, pretty excited about it. Ward Co-camp director. They are only doing ward girls camp this year, but I love girls camp, so hopefully I can get all of camp off, if not at least two or three days. Either way I am so excited.
So there is your weekly update.......