How far along = 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss = +49 (4 lbs in a week....yuck)
Tummy Circumference = 47.5"
Gender = GIRL!!
Sleep = Sometimes
Movement = Yes, and I love every minute of it.
Best moment this week = Starting my new job, a nanny to 4 kids. And one I can bring Baby Girl to after she is born. 1/4 of the miles to get here as it is to get to the other job.
Worse moment this week = That dumb car accident Friday night. I was going into work early because none of my co-workers know how to work their schedule. Some old lady cut me off, no blinker, didn't check her blind spot, nothing. I slammed on the horn and the brakes but still hit her. I knew I was fine but opted for an ambulance ride to make sure Baby Girl was ok. Even though she was still moving I wasn't about to take any chances. So they strapped me to a back board and put on a neck brace and drove me to the ER. They drove my car from the median to a parking lot just close by. I called my co-worker to tell her I was running late and may not make it in at all. I also managed to call James and tell him that I was in an accident and that I was pretty sure both of us were ok, but that I would call him as soon as I found out where they were taking me. They got me into the ER, off the board the neck brace off (I have a bruise on my chin from that thing), and the doctor looked at me. I tried to call James but got no service, I managed to get one text to him but didn't get any back that he sent me. They sent me back for an ultrasound to check on Baby Girl and I was finally able to talk to my husband. They were going to finish the ultrasound and then transfer me across the street for a couple hours of fetal monitoring. James headed this way and I told him I would let him know as soon as they transfer me so that he didn't look for me at the wrong hospital. The baby on Friday was averaging at 38 weeks and 1 day, which was 4 or 5 days ahead of her expected due date. She weighed about 7lbs 1 oz, was/is head down and the placenta is attached (which is what they worry about with a motor vehicle accident). It was way good to know that she is ok, and half that stuff I had been wondering about that my doctor wasn't figuring out. James got to the labor and delivery triage about the same time I did. They strapped me and baby down and we waited about 2.5 hours there. They want to monitor for 6 hours after the accident. Poor James had been up since 5:30 that morning and didn't get to sleep till 2am the next morning. But Baby Girl is fine. I stayed at a tight 1cm that whole time.
Food cravings = Food
What I'll miss = My baby moving around.
Milestones= I am beginning to soften
Extra = Went to the doctor yesterday and after telling them 2 weeks in a row that I want to go as long as I can without an induction (them only allowing 41 weeks) they still handed me a piece of paper with my induction scheduled for March 8th on her due date. Really is it that hard to listen to a patient. So I mentioned it again for a 3rd time and they hopefully will finally change it. I will find out next week when I go in.
Baby Growth= Hey, your little one isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long. Fetal development is nearly complete as your baby tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. She's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in her lungs from sticking to one another once she starts to breathe. Most of the changes this week are small but important: She’s continuing to add fat (so she can take advantage of all those photo ops by sporting a round, cute baby look!) and fine-tuning her brain and nervous system (so she can deal with all the stimulation that awaits her once she makes her entrance into the world).
1 week ago