How far along = 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss = +5
Tummy Circumference = 40" or 39" according to the yellow tape measure cuz I can't use the sewing one I had anymore, it ran out of numbers.
Gender = ???
Maternity clothes? = need to buy maternity garments now
Sleep = Yes
Movement = yes
Best moment this week = Feeling the baby move in tiny bits
Food cravings = Chocolate
What I'll miss = An empty stomach in the morning, I liked not having to eat as soon as I woke up before getting out of bed.
Milestones = Got a hold of Medicaid, now that much closer to getting a doctor.
Theme = Needing to job hunt and really having to
Extra = I can feel the baby sac more when I haven't peed in the morning, it is all out of shaped and moved around.
5 days ago