Monday, August 16, 2010

And it begins,

One day I might become a regular blogger, for some reason I can't seem to come about doing it yet, but this is a good way to keep track of my first experience of pregnancy. A friend of mine updated weekly what she experienced through the whole pregnancy, so I might attempt something close to it.

We can start at the beginning, James and I decided we should start adding to our family. I went off the birth control the middle of May, and the beginning of July found out I was growing a mini us inside.

It happened faster than I expected, I was planning on giving it a couple months after going off the birth control, but by no means am I disappointed that it happened quickly. Since I have never tried to get pregnant in my past I wasn't sure if I would be fertile or not, if there would be any difficulties getting pregnant. That is a trial I was trying to prepare myself for. I know it isn't easy to want to have children and not be able to get them. It was a fear I had, and I am grateful that Heavenly Father has provided this first child with ease, perhaps that means it might give us trouble as it is raised, but I'm ready, I'm ready for all aspects of parenthood.

So we went up to the Family Reunion in Kenewick, WA for the 4th of July weekend, I was way tired, and late. In fact there were times where everyone was outside and chatting and such and James and I just crashed out on the grass in the middle of it all. I thought it was possibly because I worked graves, but now I know it was because my body was working like crazy to make sure this baby had a good home.

We left the family reunion on Sunday morning and drove out to the Oregon coast, we started down in Strawberry Hill and worked our way up to Newport Beach. Some things I began to notice at that point, besides the fact that I was late was that normally with food I could go without for a long while without any side effects. I began to notice that I couldn't really skip a meal without getting nauseated. But other than that and being tired it wasn't bad.

I convinced James to let me buy a pregnancy test to do the following morning. It came with 2 sticks. I woke up before James did, and took the test and left it on the counter for him to see when he got up. It was positive. Ended up doing the second one the next day just to make sure, and James was awake this time, and it was positive again. The above picture is from the first test. So at that point in time it was kinda, we are pregnant but it doesn't feel like it.

I was only 4 weeks pregnant at that point in time. It wasn't until 6.5 that the morning sickness kicked in. And i was nauseated all day everyday, the day it began I cooked some really good tasting and smelling chicken legs, well James said they were real good, but the smell and look just didn't appeal to this nose or body. I didn't want it at all. I stuck to like veggies that day or something. Now in comparison to some morning sickness stories I had it easy. Just nausea, I could still eat somethings, though one day i woke up so weak and tired and head pounding and realized i had only eaten some saltine crackers for like 3 days. Ooops, I ate and felt a tad bit better. I have only thrown up twice during this first trimester so far.

Our first doctors appt. was on the 11th of this month. We heard a heartbeat and saw it as well. The doc printed up several ultrasound pictures and one even in 3D. It was a pretty cool experience. It is quite interesting to look at the pictures of our baby and realize that eventually that little tiny thing 1.1" big is going to be an adult one day. It will grow and mature and blossom into hopefully a fine husband or wife, father or mother. Now as I marvel at the bean I think about how mature it looks right now, as its body is working so hard to make sure that everything is in place, and everything is to work in its proper function. Our baby is a very hard worker and it is now beginning to build its own bones so that it can crawl, walk, and run eventually. It is kinda fun to learn each week what our baby does new to help prepare itself to enter this world. I guess I help a little bit, but I feel for the most part now, I am just an incubator as it works its magic.

We sent a card to James' mom to let her know she was going to be a grandmother, I told my mom on my birthday, as well as my dad and stepmom. I told my little sisters the next day, when I also posted it on facebook. So it is official, we are going to be parents, exciting and intimidating all at once.

Oh and I hope and pray and knock on wood that the morning sickness is mostly gone, On my birthday I seemed to be fine, and the next day as well, I am beginning to feel a bit nauseas now, but i think i will suck on a Preggie Pop and see if that helps, today I was actually able to cook dinner, something that has been not happening, and I washed dishes and packed a bit, so I think I am coming back around.

I think I will end this now, I still have 4 hours of work left, and starting to feel tired, go figure, it isn't like i signed up for overtime.....oh wait i did. My last day of work is Friday, the end of today starts my weekend, only 3 more days of work left, I can't wait for it to be over!


  1. Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!! I hope you are starting to feel better and that it keeps up :) I'm so happy for you!!

  2. yeay! i loved hearing the full story!!! glad you're getting better!!!
